
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

TAG: TMI (Too Much Information)

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the second installment in the tags series. The TMI Tag is generally a YouTube tag, but I will adapt it. Here we go:

1: What are you wearing? 
I am wearing a green dress with musical instruments on it.

2: Ever been in love?

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?

4: How tall are you?
145cm or 4 foot 9 inches

5: How much do you weigh?
About 35kg 

6: Any tattoos? 
Nope. And I hope to never get one. It's a big commitment.

7: Any piercings? 
I have one piercing in each ear.

8: OTP? 

9: Favourite show? 
My favourite show would have to be Once Upon a Time. It is a show that puts all the fairy tales together and mixes them up a bit. I love it!

10: Favourite bands?
Katy Perry. I know she isn't a band, but I still love her and am excited to go to her concert in December.

Thank you for reading the first installment of the TMI tag, make sure to come back every Wednesday to read the rest of the tag!


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