Hi everyone!
Who's up for round two? Here is the second installment of my Christmas list posts. This one is all about the hair and body things that I would like for Christmas. So let's get straight into it!
First up is body things and I will start of with the Snow Fairy shower gel from Lush. I absolutely love this shower gel. It smells great, looks great and feels great to use. The fragrance it gives off is intense, but I can't get enough of it.
Please ignore the pink fun in the box. I couldn't crop it small enough (yes I took this from last year's Boxing Day Haul, don't judge me) |
Also from Lush, I would like the So White bath bomb. I really love this bath bomb. I smelled it in the shops last year but I didn't buy it (I didn't have my money on me), however, this smelled just like apples. Fresh apples. I am so bummed that they removed the shower gel from the Christmas range this year, but at least I can still get the bath bomb.
Another bath bomb and also from Lush that I would like is the Stardust bath bomb. I saw this on their website and thought 'Well isn't that the most cute bath bomb you ever did see?' When I clicked on it, it said that it has a vanilla scent and I was all like "IT'S MEANT TO BE!" Anyway, so now I have to have it.
It's the last Lush bath bomb, I promise! It's the Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb. First of all, look at it. It's so pretty and cool and it has holly on it. The website says it smells like lavender, which is a nice, calming scent to have before bed or as a special treat of the relaxing variety.
And so ends the Lush craze. Now on with Soap and Glory! I would like the Sugar Crush boday buttercream (I accidentally wrote "boday" but I kind of like it). I want this for multiple reasons (1) I really like the Sugar Crush scent, (2) I'm not good at moisturising after showers so this would be good for me and (3) I find Soap and Glory to have really good quality products, so I expect this one won't disappoint!
Now on to The Body Shop. The only thing I would like from The Body Shop is the Strawberry Beauty Bag. This includes the Strawberry hand cream, the Strawberry body wash and the Strawberry body butter. It also comes with a loofah and the bag it comes in (duh!). I really liked the Strawberry hand cream that I got for my 14th birthday and I imagine all the Strawberry products would have the same amazing scent.
The last two things this week are hair things and they are both from John Frieda. They are the Sheer Blonde Lightening Shampoo and Conditioner. I am losing my blonde-ness and would like to get it back, and this would be a great start!
Source and the conditioner obvz |
So that is it for this week. I hope you enjoyed it!
What do you think of my entire list so far? What hair and body things do you want for Christmas?
Some great picks here. I have the Soap and Glory Sugar Crush scrub and it smells amazing!
I am so excited to (possibly) get it! If not, I'll probably buy it on Boxing Day anyway.