
Saturday, October 14, 2017

My Anti-Bucket List

Hey everyone!

Did you know that this is my 150th post? Me neither, until I looked at the numbers. I lost track of how many times I’ve posted and 150 has just come out of nowhere, you know? I’m not doing anything special to celebrate, though, since I’m so busy with uni stuff (which I’m currently procrastinating from doing by writing this. I’m still being productive, right?). I’m a bit scared of doing a giveaway because I’m not entirely sure how they work and I also have nothing to give away nor any money to buy something to give away. Instead of that, I thought I’d tell you about some things I never ever want to do in my entire life. An anti-bucket list, if you will.

    1.  I never want to go skydiving.

I don’t see the appeal in jumping out of a plane. I am a generally anxious person and putting me in a situation where I could die heightens it beyond belief. What if the parachute doesn’t work? What if the plane crashes? What if I land weirdly and injure myself and/or die? Why would you jump out of a perfectly functional plane when you can just, you know, not?

    2.  I never want to go bungee jumping.

Why would you willingly throw yourself off a bridge? That does not sound like my idea of fun. I know some people find this very fun and exciting, but what if the rope snaps? What if you drop too far and hit your head at the bottom?

    3.  I never want to lose my love for reading.

That would absolutely crush me. I would hate to hate reading and struggle to understand the people that do. I already know people who hate Harry Potter, which makes me really sad. I also know people who don’t read. One of them said, “What’s the point of reading if there aren’t any pictures?”. Also, I was just reminded of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone movie where Hermione says, “Honestly, don’t you two read?”.

    4.  I never want to go to prison.

Not that I’ve done anything to get me there, but I’d hate to imagine little tiny me in a prison with big scary lawbreakers. What would I even do to go to prison? I’m one of the most goody-goody people I know. I’d probably end up going to jail for something really stupid. Or straight up murder. For hating books, obviously.

    5.  I never want to watch a horror movie.

My mind already assumes everything that goes bump in the night to be a demon. I don’t need any more nightmare fuel thank you very much. I hate being scared and I jump at a lot of things, even if they’re not scary. I also don’t like seeing blood and gore all that much, and would much rather watch a Disney movie, or Harry Potter.

    6.  I never want to have to worry about money.

I want to be able to live comfortably without having to worry about if I can afford things. Of course, at the moment I have it pretty sweet. Living with my parents and not having to worry about anything, but it won’t always be that way. I want to be able to support myself once I move out of home (which I hope to do before I turn 25).

    7.  I never want to get a tattoo.

I’m not even that good at deciding what to order at a restaurant, so deciding what to have permanently inked on my skin would be impossible. Also, I have a very low pain tolerance so it would be absolute hell. If I was to get a tattoo, it would have to mean a really lot to me. I’m not gonna go and get my significant other’s name on my bicep, then later have to cross it out when we inevitably break up. I don’t have anything that means enough to me that I want to permanently display on my body.

And that’s my anti-bucket list. I do hope you enjoyed it!

Do you agree with me? What do you never want to do in your life?

Love, Nicky x

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Spring Morning Routine

Hey everyone!

Seeing as it is now spring, I thought I would share with you how my morning routine has changed from winter to spring. Where I live, spring is pretty much skipped over straight into summer. Last week we literally had three days in a row with maximums over 30 degrees Celsius and we’ve already started having summer storms. Because of this hot, summery weather, my skin has been breaking out a bit more than it did in winter. Anyway, here’s my new morning routine!

The first thing I do when I wake up is scroll through social media apps on my phone for about fifteen minutes, depending on how much time I have before I leave for university. Then I get up and have a shower. Once I’m in the shower, I wash my face with Simple Spotless Skin Triple Action Face Wash or the Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1 face wash if I have a breakout of pimples. Then I get my Lush Snow Fairy body wash on a loofah and wash my body. 

Once I’m out of the shower, I get dressed (obviously) into a light dress or crop top and skirt, since spring and summer are synonymous where I come from. I probably should moisturise my body, but the truth is I forget to. I have so many barely used body moisturisers sitting on shelves and in drawers all around my room. I don’t even really moisturise my face, but I’m more likely to moisturise my face than my body. I only do it if I notice that my face is dry. If I do notice this, I use the Formula 10.0.6 Picture Perfect Day Gel Moisturiser which also has SPF in it, which is great especially for the summer time.

After maybe moisturising my face, I go to the kitchen and make some cornflakes for breakfast and take my puffer (since I have asthma). I watch some YouTube videos on my phone while I eat. I only get time to watch one or two videos, but it’s something at least. After breakfast, I brush my teeth. Ever since I got my braces off, I have been doing my best to keep my teeth as clean as possible; I don’t want to ruin what I’ve waited so long for, after all.

Next, I brush through my hair with my Tangle Teezer and put my hair up into a ponytail. The height of the ponytail depends on two things: (1) how hot it’s going to get in the day and (2) how cooperative my hair is. If it does not cooperate, I end up going with a low pony. I don’t bother with makeup much at all unless I’m doing something important that day. I don’t deem university as important as I kind of just get in there, take notes, then go home. I like to think that it’s because I’m so confident in my own skin but mostly it’s that I can’t be bothered.

After doing my hair and not doing my makeup, I pack my bag (unless I did it the night before) with whatever I need that day like notebooks, pens, my laptop and things like that. I then go to the kitchen to fill up my water bottle and cut up an apple, since I’m always home by lunchtime so I can just take a snack and be okay. I then go back to my room and put on some deodorant so I don’t stink up the place, and if I remember, I’ll put on some perfume.

Then I pick up my bag and heave it onto my shoulder, bid goodbye to anyone still in the house and hightail it up the street to the bus stop.

Do you like my morning routine? What’s yours?
 Love, Nicky x