
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Liebster Award #2

Hey everyone!

A couple of weeks ago, Claire from Through Her Blue Eyes tagged me to do a Liebster Award. I have already done one of these a while ago, but there's no harm in doing another one!

Basically, the rules are you have to answer 11 questions that your nominator has written then tag 11 more bloggers to answer questions you write.

My Questions

1. What encouraged you to start blogging?

Back in 2013 before I started my blog, I stumbled upon the blogging community. I thought that blogging looked like fun and decided to give it a go, which was the best decision ever!

2. Where do you get your blogging inspiration?

Well, I generally always do a monthly favourites, but mainly I look at things I've done recently that might turn into a post or I brainstorm ideas until I come up with something that you might like.

3. What makes you smile most?

My friends. They are so funny and I always look back on our adventures fondly. My cat, Stanley, also makes me smile, but he attacks me sometimes, so there's that.

4. What is on your current wishlist?

A new phone, a new camera (for blogging), a good foundation. Other than that, I always like having new clothes.

5. What is the best piece of advice you could give (in relation to blogging)?

Don't expect to have a million pageviews and a million followers overnight. Everything takes time.

6. What beauty product could you not live without?

My Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara is quickly becoming an all time favourite of mine. If I'm rushing off to the shops or something, I always put it on. I feel like it makes me look more awake, which is a bonus.

7. What do you love to drink?

I really like Coke, lemonade and Fanta. I am not legally allowed to drink alcohol yet, so that is the extent of my drinking for now. I also like water, well, I try to like water. I need to drink more of it.

8. What is your guilty pleasure?

I really like to scroll through Instagram in my spare time. I don't think that counts as a guilty pleasure though. Umm, I like reading fanfiction sometimes (not smutty fanfiction, ew), so maybe that.

9. If you could have dinner with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be? And where would you eat?

Good question! I think I would go to dinner with Queen Elizabeth II at her house, duh. Wouldn't that be so cool? She could give me a grand tour of the palace and I could meet her corgis and look at all the amazing rooms in the palace.

10. Where do you want to be in 5 years time?

I want to make money off of my blog (I currently don't as you have to be 18 to get PayPal) and I want to go to university either in a business course or a journalism course.

11. If you won the lottery, what would you do?

If I won the lottery, I would buy a car and a house (not that I need one yet). I would pay off my parents' mortgage and then I would put the rest away into a bank account so I could earn interest on my winnings. I would also give a portion of it to charity, as I feel like anyone with that amount of money would be crazy (and appear really greedy) not to.

I nominate:

Jenna -
Rachel -

Your questions:

1. What is your favourite song lyric/ song at the moment?
2. When and why did you start blogging?
3. What is your favourite food?
4. What is your favourite series (book/ movie/ TV) of all time?
5. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
6. Where would you love to travel to in the near future?
7. Do you have a secret obsession?
8. What is your favourite quote?
9. If you could speak any other language, what would it be?
10. Cats or dogs?
11. What three things would you take to a deserted island?

That is the Leibster Award! I hope you enjoyed this and make sure to check out all the blogs I nominated.

Feel free to answer the questions yourself in the comments below (unless you're nominated)!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

March Favourites

Hey everyone!

I am back again and since it's the school holidays, you'll get a new post every week until school goes back. Yay! This month saw the end of my first term in grade 12, my last swimming carnival, cross country and an A+ in Accounting (I know right? Just call me a genius). Anyway, onto my favourites for this month, by the way, everyone got A's on that Accounting test, but mine was the only one with no mistakes. Ok, I'll stop bragging, on with the favourites!

My first favourite this month has to be the Lush So White shower gel, which unfortunately ran out. I know what you're thinking, 'how did she get that? 1. It's March (now April) and 2. It was discontinued last year.' Well, I have had it for a VERY long time and despite the expiry dates, it lasted quite well (it was supposed to expire in October last year). It smelled really good and (obviously) lasted a really long time. I shower twice a day, I swear!

Another thing I have been loving this month is the replacement for the above shower gel, the Original Source Raspberry and Vanilla shower gel that I received for Christmas last year. It. Smells. So. Freaking. Good. I love vanilla (in case you weren't aware) and raspberry goes with it so well. I used it this morning in the shower and I can still smell it on my skin (it's 1:30pm at the moment), so the scent lingers very well. It also lathers up really nicely, so you don't need to put much on the loofah. Also, it's pink, which I love.

My final favourite of the month has been my Impulse body sprays. The ones I have are Sweet Smile and Very Pink. I like the convenience they offer and no one has said anything bad about their scents, so that must be a good thing. I have used Sweet Smile more than Very Pink as I have had it for a bit longer, but they both smell nice and are easy to use.

That is all for my favourites this month, so thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.
Before you go, if you would like to do a Leibster Award (I was nominated to do one a little while ago and am doing that post next week), please leave a comment with your blog link below and I will probably include you in my nominations. Good luck!

What have been your favourites for this month?