Yes, I KNOW it's been a long time since I have posted on here, but my little cousin recently announced that she is starting a YouTube Channel (free marketing here cuz) and I thought I would give her and any of you wanting to start a blog or channel of your own some tips to get you started.
Before you start:
First up, why are you starting one? Is it because you want views or money? Or because you want to help people? If the first one sounds more like you, then don't start one, but if you want to help people then be my guest.
Next up, title. You don't want to be stuck with something stupid and hard to type because no one will click on it. You have to be original and you can make sure of this by Googling it and seeing if anyone has stolen your name.
After that, what kind of content are you going to post? Is it going to be a beauty channel/ blog or a comedy one? A serious self-help one or a dish-washing tutorial (I'm not even kidding, people do this)?
Okay, so you've posted your first video/ blog post:
Once you have posted, make sure people know about it. Get Twitter-ing, Facebook-ing, Instagram-ing and whatever else-ing to get the message out there that you have posted something on your blog/channel. You don't want to post something and have no one see it, that would be pointless.
Now that you have done that, make sure you are a consistent post-er (cough cough) by keeping a schedule or a reminder in your phone. But if you don't feel like posting, let your people know on Twitter or Instagram or whatever.
Extra little tips:
- Make sure you're not doing it for the views
- Don't pay attention to the stats, they don't matter as long as you're having fun
- You are allowed to stop if you don't enjoy doing it anymore (that's not me, I just have senior school life to deal with, so shush)
- Only post things you would like to watch/ read
- Don't feel like you have to post, you are you're own person are are allowed to be sick/ emotional/ busy with school
- Promote, Promote, Promote. Like the three rules of real estate (location, location, location), the more you promote your site, the more people will see it
- Schedule your tweets/ Instagrams (can you do that)/ Facebook posts - I recommend HootSuite. I have used it since (almost) the beginning
- Schedule your videos/ blog posts to come out at the same time every week ( I *try* to post on Saturdays at 12:00pm)
- Be yourself - no one likes a fake person or a second rate Zoella, be a first rate you
That's all for today, please go and subscribe to my cousin (I will give you the link when she gives me the link) and tell her how great she is. I hope these tips help anyone just starting out on Blogger/Wordpress/YouTube and I will see you next time!
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